Welcome to PLAWARE

Plastic CleanUp


Our Plastic to Oil program empowers remote rural communities in Cambodia to combat plastic pollution while generating additional income.

CleanUp & Earn

We turn plastic into oil to keep communities clean and provide income.

Raising Funds

We fundraise to build programs in new communities so the oil keeps flowing.

Raising Awareness

We’re producing an ongoing documentary about what we’re doing in Cambodia.

About Us

Mission & Vision

Transforming plastic waste into a cleaner future for Cambodia, one community at a time, through our Plastic to Oil program.

Chemical Recycling

The Process

In our pyrolysis reactor – a 70 liter tank – we heat it to temperatures between 400°C and 500°C using LPG gas. The reactor is airtight, which means there is no oxygen inside. This is important because the plastic would burn if oxygen were present. However, under airtight conditions and at high temperatures, the long-chain polymer molecules break down into smaller hydrocarbon molecules. The process is called chemical recycling, or pyrolysis, and the product is called pyrolysis oil. After a feasibility study by our research partners, we decided to use only polyethylene (PE, plastic bags) as a feedstock.

Our pyrolysis units are manufactured in Cambodia. Once they are given to the community, we want to make sure that the community can maintain them at local cost.

How it works

Plastic to Oil Program

PLAWARE works with local experts to design an appropriate plastic collection for each community. Anyone can collect any type of plastic, and while only some can be turned into oil, the rest is sold to sorting centers. We bring our special technology that converts plastic into safe oil for lamps and other uses. This clean oil is then sold in reusable glass bottles. Together with the plastic sold to the sorting centers, it can help pay for the community's entire waste management system!


Appropriate local collection system


self-sustaining plastic oil system


Supporting the marketing of oil


Involvement of local communities


Involvement of local organizations

Apsara’s Whisper

Apsaras, as found in the ancient Angkor temples of Cambodia, are celestial nymphs associated with beauty, grace, and prosperity. They are often depicted surrounded by nature, especially flowers and water. To keep them dancing, we need to keep our environment clean. Our documentary series “Apsara’s Whisper” shows how our efforts to clean up the environment from plastic pollution are connected to the celestial dance of the Apsaras.


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Call Us: +41 62 822 02 26